

Immunohistochemical Study of Colonic Carcinoma

  • 摘要: 对27例大肠中分化腺癌的手术切除标本进行了EMA、CEA、Ber-Ep4、PKK-1、KL-1等免疫组织化学研究。 结果表明抗人癌胚抗原及细胞角蛋白的阳性表达具有临床意义。 尤其分子量为56KD的细胞角蛋白具有显著意义。 同时表明除KL-1各部位均呈强阳性表达外, 其它抗原倾向左、右半侧结肠的下部大肠癌比上部大肠癌的反应性强。 提示KL-1、CEA为大肠中分化腺癌的优秀标记物。 对于回盲部癌、乙状结肠癌及直肠癌的中分化腺癌PKK-1、Ber-Ep4亦最有临床意义。


    Abstract: EMA,CEA, Ber-Ep4, KL-1, PKK-1 tests were carried in 27 cases of colonic medium defferentiated adenocarcinoma for immunohistochemical analysis to investigate antigenic expressions and their clinical significance. We chose 27 samples of medium differentiated adenocarcinoma in different position. In which there were 7 cases of ileocecal carcinoma, 5 cases of ascending colon, 5 cases of descending colon, 5 cases of sigmoidal colon, 5 cases of rectum, 10% formalin fixation and paradffin imbedding were used for all specimen. We adopted BSA method. The mouse monoclonal antibody was used by first, namely:antihuman carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antibody CMOIO (MOQIDA Pharmacy Tokyo), antihuman epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) antibody E29, antihuman epithelial property antigen-antibody Ber-Ep4, antihuman low molecular cellular keratin antibody PKK-1 (40, 45, 52.5KD) and KL-1 (56KD). Result: EMA showed strong positive reaction in 22.2%, BerEp4 in 55.5%, CEA in 59.2%, PKK-1 in 62.9%, and KL-1 in 100%. Result also indicated that all antigen expression except KL-1 were stronger in the part distal to descending colon. For colonic medium differentiated adenocarcinoma not only KL-1, CEA were good label, but also PKK-1, BerEp4 were of great importance in carcinoma of ileocecum, sigmoid and rectum.


