

Seven Years Follow-up for EBV-IgA/VcA in 511 PeoPle in high risk NPC Area

  • 摘要: 本文对四会县511例高危人群在7年中IgA/VCA滴度变化进行监测。 阳性者在监测的头2年中出现过阴性的人数占77.94%。 阳性者在后3-4年中有55%出现过阳性。 至监测结尾时阴转率为38.48%。 四会县是世界鼻咽癌的最高发县, VCA的阴转率也高, 两者之间有何联系, 值得进一步探讨。


    Abstract: In the seven years of following 511 casese screened for EBV-IgA/VcA in Sihui Country. Only10% of them were keeping at the original level, 51.5% of them had changed from positive to ngeative then to positive again, or from negative to positive then to negative. Positives in first two years changing to negative ones composed 77.94%. 55% negaitives had changed to positives response were seen in 3-4 years. In our study about 38.46% of positive response changed to negative. Any association is there betwed both highest risk area of NPC, in the world highert rate of changing to negatire in Sihui needs to be studied in fature.


