

Effects or vincristine on Lipid Components in S180 Cells

  • 摘要: 观察长春新碱(VCR)对小鼠肉瘤S180细胞膜脂质成分的影响, 发现VCR接触24小时后, S180细胞膜磷脂含量显著增加, 胆固醇/磷脂(C/P比值降低, 磷脂中的花生四烯酸摩儿百分比减少。 与对照组比较, 这些变化均有统计学意义(P<0.005或P<0.05)。 提示膜脂质成分及其理化特性的研究对于探讨VCR的抗癌作用机制和了解细胞对药物耐受性的原因可能有重要意义。


    Abstract: The effects of vincristine on membrane lipid Components in S180 cells were observed.We found that the content of phospholipid was increased, the ratio of cholesterol to phospholipied (C/P) was reduced, and arachidonic acid of phospholipid in six fatty acids analyzed was reduced, after treating the cells for 24 hours by vincristine. These results indicate that it is important to investigate the lipid components and properties of the plasma membrane for studing mechanisms of VCR actived and cause of VCR resistance.


