Transthoracic needle biopsy of lung under simulator for the diagnosis of carcinoma of the lung
摘要: 报道92例经胸肺穿刺检查的肺癌病人。 周围型肺癌77例, 中央型12例, 双肺弥漫型3例。 肿块最大10.0×10.0cm, 最小1.5×1.0cm。 84例查到癌细胞, 阳性率91.3%。 主要并发症为气胸, 发生率为9.8%。 本文还介绍了提高穿刺阳性率的经验。Abstract: patients with lung cancer who recieved transthoracic needle biopsy is rported. There were 77 patients with peripheral lung cancer, 12 patients with central lung cancer and 3 patients with bilateral lung cancer. Maximum mass was 10.0×10.0cm, minimal mass was 1.5×1.0cm. Cancer cells were found in 84 patients, the positive rate was 91.3%. Majar complication was pneumothorax, rate of which was 9.8%. The experience which increased positive rate of biopsy was introduced.