

Significance of macrophage infiltration in the stroma of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

  • 摘要: 本文以单克隆杭体CD6用ABC法,对27例食管鳞癌问质中浸润巨噬细胞的分布进行定蚤观察发现:巨噬细胞主要浸润于癌周间质内,并与淋巴样细胞混杂存在,瘤组织使犯深,前缘退变程度轻和有局部淋巴结转移者,巨噬细胞浸润数量少,反之则较多.提示癌间质内巨噬细胞浸润是宿主抵杭肿瘤使袭性生长的重要免疫形态学表现.


    Abstract: This paper presents a quantitative study of macrophage infiltration in the stroma of 27 cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma using ABC method with monoclonal antibody against macrophage. Our study revealed:. Macrophage infiltrates mostly at the peripheral portion of cancer stroma, and often mixed with lymphoid cells. The deeper invasion, milder degenorative change inperipheral portion of cancer and with positive lymphnode metastasis, the weaker macrophage infil-tration appears in the stroma around the carcinoma. These data suggested that the macrophage infil-tration is an important expression of host immunologic defense against cancer.


