

Untouch Lesin of Breast Cancer

  • 摘要: 本文报告了我院从1979年1月~1994年5月检出本病10例,占同期收治乳腺癌337例的2.7%.全组病例均行手术治疗.本病属临床可检出乳腺癌最早阶段,症状、体征较少,早期诊断有一定困难.本组误诊率达50%.作者强调重视有乳腺癌危险因素的高危人群,注意发现乳房早期异常现象,经过X线摄片、乳导管造影、涂片细胞学检查等方法能检出更多的早期癌.从而提高乳腺癌的治愈率及生存率.


    Abstract: Ten cases of untouched lesin of breast cancer are reported in this artical. The disease were checked out in our hospital from 1979 to 1994 and was 2. 7% in three hundred thirty seven breast cancer patients during the same time. all of them were treated by operation.The diaease belongs to the earliest stage of breast cancer and is hardly to be checked out in general methods because the symptom and physical sign of the disease are less. So the diagnosis is difficalty. The rate of misdiagnosis is 50% in the ten cases. The auther emphasizes to the dangerous group who are easy ill with breast cancer, and doctor should pay attention to the early abnormal appearance of mammae. The more untouched lesin of breast cancer can be checked out through X-ray, mamma bacteal graphy, galactorrhea cytoexamination, and other examinations Therefore the cure rate and survival rate can be rised.


