

Manometric observation after resection of esophageal carcinoma combined with esophageal end-to-end anastomosis

  • 摘要: 有人认为食管癌切除后保留食管末端(包括食管下括约肌)、食管端端吻合并行胃底折叠术可防止术后的胃食管返流。作者对行此术式的14例胸中段食管癌患者进行了术前术后食管压力测定。术前食管下括约肌压力在正常范围,为2.57±0.21kPa,与正常人对照组2.51±0.48kPa无明显差别(P>0.05).术后患者食管下括约肌压力下降到1.66±0.40kPa,与术前值有明显差别(P<0.05).手术后胸腔胃压力为1.09±0.44kPa,残余食管压力为1.02±0.36kPa,相差无几,说明食管与胃之间存在-共通腔。可以认为,保留的食管下括约肌已不再能起抗返流屏障的作用。


    Abstract: It was believed that if the distal end of the esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter, LES)was preserved intact,and esophageal end-to-end anastomosis combined gastric fundoplication were made,postoperative gastroesophageal reflux (GER) could be prevented.Such operation has been done in 14 cases with middle third esophageal cancer by the authors.Manometry before operation showed that the mean value of pressure of the LES was within normal range, 2.57士0.21kPa.No obvious difference compared with that of the control group (n=30, x=2.51士0.48kPa) (P> 0.05).Postoperatively,the mean value of the LES pressure was 1.66士0.40kPa, it was obviously lower than that of preoperative determination (P<0.05).Postoperative pressure of intrathorncic stomach was 1.09士0.44kPa, and that of residual esophagus was 1.02士0.36kPa.So, there was a common cavity between intrathoracic stomach and residual esophagus as the pressures of both were similiar.It was considered that preserved LES no more was a barrier for preventing GER.


