

Radiotherapy efficacy of esophageal Carcinoma with large fociSurvival analysis of 60 patients

  • 摘要: 我院自1976年元月至1990年12月对所收治的超长食管癌X片显示病变长度≥8cm的60例患者进行了高姑息乃至根治性放射治疗。总剂量在DT50Gy-78Gy.这些病例均得到组织学或细胞学证实。近期疗效为显效14例,占23%;有效36例,占60%;总有效率为83%.其1、3、5年生存率分别为55%(33/60)、16.6%(10/60)、6.25%(3/48).说明超长食管癌和-般食管癌具有同样的治疗效果。只要患者-般情况允许,就应争取行根治放疗,以期提高生存质量和生存期。


    Abstract: From 1976 to 1990, 60 patients with esophageal carcinoma were treated by radiotherapy.The lengths of their foci were all more than Scm,and the median length was 9.6cm.The diagnoses were based on pathological and cytological examinations.These patients received 10 Gy in 5 frac-lions per week to total doses of 50-78Gy.The immediate response rates of all patients were as fol-low:marked response:23% (14/60, partial response; 60% (36/60) and no-response:17% (10/16).The 1-,3-ands-year survival rates were 5500 (33/60),16.6%(10/60) and 6.25% (3/48),respectively.


