

The monitor on estrogen receptor (ER) in gastric cancers and colorectal cancers of 200 cases

  • 摘要: 本组132例胃癌中有47例雌激素受体(ER)阳性(35.7%);68例大肠癌中有35例ER阳性(52%).ER阳性率与患者年龄及性别无关,BOrrmann'sⅣ型与低分化及伴有肝转移胃癌ER阳性率明显增高(P<0.05).68例大肠癌中直肠及左半结肠癌ER阳性率高于右半结肠癌,高分化腺癌ER阳性率高于中、低分化,两者均无统计学意义(P>0.05).研究表明了消化道肿瘤中存在ER,为今后内分泌治疗提供依据。


    Abstract: In order to determine the status of estrogen recepor (ER) in the gastric cancer and colorectal cancer, 132 samples of gastric cancer and 68 colorectal cancer were assayed.ER were present in the 47 of the 100 (35.7 % ) patients with gastric cancer and in the 35 of the 68 (52 % ) patients with colorectal cancer.There is no significant difference between the sex and the ages.ER-positive were observed in Borrmann type 4, poorly sdifferentiated cancer and intrahepatic metastases were higher(p<0.05)" In 68 patients with colorectal cancer, ER-positive were observed in the rectum cancer, the left colon cancer higher than the right colon cancer.ER-positive were observed in well-differentiated cancer of colon higher than moderate-and poorly differentiated.There is no significant difference (P>0.05)" In this study the presence of receptors for estrogen in gastric cancers and colorectal cancers was confired.


