This article has taken statistics and analysis of 2308 cases of malignant tumor in kashgar area of Xinjiang province, the results show that:(1) Among the 2308 cases of malignant tumor, the male occupy 52. 82% (1219 cases) and the female occupy 47. 1_8% (1089 cases),the proportion between male and Female is 1. 12 :1. (2) The average age of malignant tumor patients is 46. 49, among which the male is 48. 76 and the female 43. 94,the average age of carcinoma patients is 48. 24, the average age of sarcoma patients is 32. 85. (3) The first five kinds of malignant tumor ranking in proper order are,gastric carcinoma,cervical carcinoma,esophagus carcinoma,carcinoma of bowels and malignant lymphosarcoma. The males gastric carcinoma and the females cervical carcinoma rank first.