

Study on the changes of bone mineral content in patients with malignancy

  • 摘要: 本文测量了50例恶性肿瘤患者桡骨超远端骨矿物质含量及骨密度。骨密度平均值为0.362±0.071.50例患者中有40例骨密度降低(占80%).本文按与疾病年龄组相配的同性别正常人骨密度的均值-2SD作为骨密度降低。即恶性肿瘤患者骨质减少的诊断标准。恶性肿瘤患者骨密度与正常对照组比较。差异有显着意义(P<0.05).并且,骨密度降低程度与病程密切相关(P<0.05).上述结果提示:恶性肿瘤患者常有骨质减少,骨密度降低是其特异性、敏感性指标。


    Abstract: We measured the super-extremity bone mineral content and bone mineral density (BMD) of ra-dius in 50 patients with malignancy. BMD was mean 0. 362±0. 071g/cm2. 40 patients (80% )had low BhfD. The authors presumed that BMD in the healthy subjects of same sex and age group minus 2SD was the diagnostic criteria of the bone mineral reduction in patients with malignancy. BMD in patients with malignancy was significantly lower than that in the healthy subjects (<0.05)·A close correlation was found between the reduction of BMD and the disease duration. The results in-dicates that most patients with malignancy have reduction of BMD. The reduction of BMD is the pe-culiar and sensitive index of the loss of bone mass.


