

Induction of gastric micro adenocarcinoma in rats by N-Propyl-N'-Nitro-N-Nitrosoquanidine (PNNC)with surfactant

  • 摘要: 用250微克/毫升的PNNG溶于0.4%吐温80水溶液让大鼠自饮,当PNNG摄入总量达2500mg以上,可诱发出大鼠早期胃腺癌,诱发腺癌的时间也可缩短到370天。对经尸检的48例大鼠的胃组织进行了光镜及部分电镜观察。在同-例早期胃粘膜中可看到互不相连的不同部位的粘膜腺管癌变,这支持胃腺癌多中心起源的观点。


    Abstract: 250pg/ml of PNNG in 0. 4% tween 80 solution was taken by Wistar rats ad lib. When the total amount of PNNG taken by a rat reached 2,500mg or more,gastric micro adenocarcinomas of the rats were found. The induction time was shortened to 370 days. The stomachs of the 48 autopsy rats were examined under microscope and electron microscope. It was found that in a case of early gastric micro adenocarcinoma two separate gastric glands showed malignant changes in the tubular epithe-lial cells. This was in favor of the multi-centric theory of gastric adeno-carcinoma.


