

Treatment of Patients with Advanced Malibnant Tumor by Transfor LAK Cells Combined with rIL-2

  • 摘要: 胎儿来源的LAK细胞/rIL-2对5例失去手术、化疗、放疗机会的晚期恶性肿瘤病人进行了过继免疫治疗。结果都取得了-定的疗效,黑色素瘤病人肺转移结节基本消失,局部瘤细胞全部坏死,组织细胞正常;淋巴瘤病人转移灶消退59%;小肠平滑肌肉瘤病人在没进行此疗法之前2年半复发、手术三次。第三次手术后用此疗法治疗-个疗程,三年后第-次复发。为晚期恶性肿瘤病人延长了生命,提高了生存质量争得了再次治疗的机会。


    Abstract: Five advanced malignant tumor were treated with LAK cells isolated from human fetal spleen combined with rIL-2. One patient with malignant melanoma had metastasis tumor dispeared in one lung and significantly reduced in the other. The matastasis lesion of one patient with lymphoma de-creased 59% after treatment, a patient with intestinal smooth muscle sarcoma had prolonged relapse by administrated LAK/rIL-2" NO serious effects were observed. The results indicated that LAK/ rIL-2 in the treatment of patient with advanced malignant tumor is effect and safe.


