

Ovarian mucinous tumor with sarcoma-like mural nodules in gestational period

  • 摘要: 本文报告一例妊娠期妇女卵巢粘液性肿瘤伴肉瘤样囊内结节。患者年龄29岁,妊娠8个月伴腹部巨大包块,见标本囊内有9个结节,较软、褐色、伴出血。在显微镜下检查上皮成份从良性粘液性囊腺瘤表现到交界恶性。在结节内,可见纤维母细胞、多形性细胞、巨结胞、多核巨结胞,还可见组织细胞。根据此例说明,此型囊内结节,是假肉瘤样改变,可能是对癌肿的一种反应。


    Abstract: One case otpregnant woman of muinous ovarian tumor with sarcoma-like nodulesnal in its wall is reported.The age of patient is 29 years.She had a large mass with pregnancy for 8 months.The specimens contained 9 discrete nodules in its wall,nodules were soft,dark brown and hemorrhagec.On microscopical examination the epithelial component of tumor laged from benign,borderlin malignancy to well-differeutiatgd carcinona.The spindle-cells,pleomorphism cell,gainte cells,multinucleale giant cell and histocytic cells were encounted in the nodules.According to these case research it suggests that mural nodules of the typs discribed are not sarcomotous but could represent a reafive process.


