

Analysis in the infected HBV in some patients with malignant tumor

  • 摘要: 本文报告5346例各种癌症患者乙肝病毒血清标志五项检测结果,结果显示,检出阳性共2659例,阳性率49.7%,其中肝癌,胃癌、贲门癌和食管癌的阳性率分别为88.7%、60.9%、55.2%和52.7%,与健康人对照组比较有非常显著差异。至于消化道癌症患者阳性率明显高于其他一些非消化道癌症的原因有待进一步研究。


    Abstract: Five item sera of markers in 5346 cases with various kinds of cancer of infectedHBV (Hepatitis B Virus) patients were examined.the results show the 2659 case(49. 7%) were positive reaction. Of them,positive rate in hepatic,gastric,cardiacand esophageal cancer was 88.7%,60.9%,55.2% and 52.7 %respectively.whichwas significant higher than health persons and other patients with cancer the causeconcerning the elevation of positive rate of the five item sera of markers in thesecase with cancer as above and their relation with these patients with cancer remain to be further investigated.


