

Clinical Study of Advanced Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Navelbine and Clsplatin

  • 摘要: 1995年2月至1996年1月, 我科用异长春花碱(NVB)和顺铂(PDD)联合治疗非小细胞肺癌30例, 患者均经病理、组织学证实, 鳞癌5例、腺癌19例、肺泡细胞癌3例、腺鳞癌3例。 Ⅲ期10例, Ⅳ期20例, 治疗结果无CR患者, PR14例有效率为46.7%, 主要毒性为骨髓抑制, 白细胞减少Ⅲ~Ⅳ度发生率为46.7%, 胃肠道反应发生率为60%。


    Abstract: From the Feb of 1995 to the Jan of 1996, 30 cases of advanced nonsmallcell lung cancer were treated with Navelbine and Cisplatin. All cases were histological approved, Epidermoid 5 cases, Adenocacinome 19 cases, aveolar cell carcinoma 3 cases. Adenocancroid 3 cases. Among them, 10 cases were on the third stage, the others were on the fourth stage. The result of the treatment show that 14 cases achieved PR, the response rate 46.75%. Myelosuppression was the main dose-limitiny toxlcity, Grade Ⅲ~Ⅳ leacopenid occured in 46.7%. Nausea and vomlting occured in 60 %.


