

Clinical characteristics of 84 cases of children malignant lymphoma

  • 摘要: 本文总结84例小儿恶性淋巴瘤临床特点。 男女性别比为5.5:1。发病年龄高峰:HD5~9岁; NHL6~10岁。 NHL比HD病程短。 浅表淋巴结肿大为首发者占72.6%, 结外首发只见NHL, 占48.8%。 NHL中高度恶性占77.1%, 诊断时即为广泛播散期者占53.5%, 其中白血病化占18.6%, 脑膜侵犯占11.6%。 提示用强烈化疗方案可提高小儿NHL的疗效和生存率。


    Abstract: This article reported the clinical characteristics of 84 cases of children malignant lymphoma. Ratio of male to female was 5.5:1. The age distribution of HD and NHL in the childhood with peak incidence at 5~9 years of age and 6~10 years of age, respectively. Approximately 72.6% have lymph node enlargement as a first clinical presentation. Extramodal involvement as a first clinical presentation was only defected in the NHL, comprising nearly 48.8% of the all non-Hodykin's lynphoma that our report. Intermediate and high gradehistology non-Hodgkin's lymphoma comprises about 77.1% of all NHL. of all cases, approximately 53.3% are usually generalized in distribution at the diagnosis, 18.6% of such non-Hodgkin's lymyhoma was transmuted to leukemia. Cerbromeningeal infiltration occurs in about 11.6% of patient. These results indicated that inteusiue chemotherapy be able to tnhance the response rates and survival rates of non-Hodykin's lyapchoma.


