

Evaluation of Optimized Screening Protocol for Colorectal Cancer among a High-incidence Population

  • 摘要: 在免疫法粪便潜血试验结合大肠癌危险隶属度AD的大肠癌筛检方案基础上,提出的结直肠癌优化方案为:符合以下一项者,可作为肠镜复筛对象:(1)免疫法粪便潜血检查阳性者,(2)有一级亲属大肠癌史者,(3)有癌症史者,(4)以下症状:①慢性腹泻②便秘③粘液血便④阑尾炎史⑤精神刺激史者,有以上症状二项及二项以上者。为了初步评价该优化筛检方案,于1993年对海宁市有肠息肉史者及部分自愿参加者共计1722例,进行了免疫法粪便潜血试验(RPHA-FOBT)及问卷调查,并对每个受检者进行了60cm纤维结肠镜检查,以肠镜检查结果作为筛检的评价标准。结果初步显示了优化的结直肠癌筛检方案简化了“七五”筛检方案,该方案简便易行,且具较为理想的筛检效果.


    Abstract: Optimized screening protocol for colorectal cancer contained RPHA-FOBT and risk factor screening,higher-risk population was defined as individuals with a positive RPHA-FOBT test,or with family history of colorectal cancer in first degree relatives,or with personal history of malignant tumours,or with two or more of following five indicators:(a) mucous and bloody stool;(b)chronic diarrhea;(c) chronic constipitation;(d)history of chronic appedicatis;(e)history of psychic trauma. To evaluate optimized screening protocol for colorectal cancer,A screening study was conducted among the high-incidence population in Raining Zhejiang province in 1993.1722 cases were enrolled,most of them with history of colorecta polyps·Each subject had 60cm flexible sigmoidoscopy examination,Results of sigmoidoscopy examination were considered as criteria.It was shown that the effectiveness of screening for colorectal cancer was satisfactory,and the protocol was convenient and promising.


