The Values of CYFRA in Pleural Effusion
摘要: 测定了130例胸水标本,其中癌性购水75例,结核性胸膜炎43例,其它良性购水12例。恶性胸水的CYFRA21-1浓度显著高于良性胸水(P<0.01),其敏感性为61.3%,特异性为87.3%,准确率为72.3%,提示测定胸水CYFRA21-1对恶性胸水的诊断和鉴别诊断具有临床应用价值。Abstract: The values of cytokeratin 19 fragment (CYFRA21-1)were measured in the pleural fluid of patients with lung cancer,with tuberculous pleurisy,and with benign diseases other than tuberculosis.CYFRA levels in malignant effu-lions were significantly higher than those in benign effusions.For malignant effu- sions the diagnostic sensitivity of CYFRA,specificity is diagnostic accuracy is ·It is suggested that the assay for CYFRA is use-ful took for the diagnosis of malignant effusions.