

The Residual Gastric Tumor and Its Prevention After Resection of Gastric CarCinoma

  • 摘要: 本研究报道我院外科近20年来可行根据性胃癌切除,而切端有遗留癌细胞40例。其中腺癌32例,粘液腺癌5例,实性癌3例;上切缘遗瘤癌32例,下切缘遗留癌8例。五年生存率22.5%。本组胃癌切除残端遗留癌原因:1.术前未作胃镜检查,仅据X线钡餐检查。2.术中未仔细检查,按胃良性病变手术。3.未按规范化行胃癌根治术。4.麻醉及切口选择不当。我们主张胃体癌、贲门癌根治术,应选择全麻较安全;选择上腹正中线脐左切口,必要时胸腹联合切口,可预防胃癌切除时癌细胞遗留于上下切缘。


    Abstract: This paper has reported 40 Patients who were amenable to radical operation of gastric carcinoma, but had residual tumor cells at the margins of resection during the past 20 year. The types of tumors are adenocarcinoma, 32 cases, mucinous car-cinoma, 5 cases, solid carcinoma, 3 cases. Tumors at the upper resection margins were 32 cases. the inferior resection margins 8 cases. 5-year survial rate is 22.5%. The causes of residual gastric tumor postoperation in our group are: 1. The deci-sions were only made by upper gastrointestinal series without using gastroscopy. 2 The operations were performed as benign lessions without careful exploration. 3. The radical gastric resection were not under went according to the standard rules. 4. Unsuitable selection of anesthsia and incision . We consider that it is safe to choose general anesthesia, and it is better to choose median incision plus left umbilicus side incision. or abdominal-thoracic incision, if necessary, which may prevent the resid-ual tumor cells at the upper or inferior margins after gastric carcinoma resection.


