This paper has reported 40 Patients who were amenable to radical operation of gastric carcinoma, but had residual tumor cells at the margins of resection during the past 20 year. The types of tumors are adenocarcinoma, 32 cases, mucinous car-cinoma, 5 cases, solid carcinoma, 3 cases. Tumors at the upper resection margins were 32 cases. the inferior resection margins 8 cases. 5-year survial rate is 22.5%. The causes of residual gastric tumor postoperation in our group are: 1. The deci-sions were only made by upper gastrointestinal series without using gastroscopy. 2 The operations were performed as benign lessions without careful exploration. 3. The radical gastric resection were not under went according to the standard rules. 4. Unsuitable selection of anesthsia and incision . We consider that it is safe to choose general anesthesia, and it is better to choose median incision plus left umbilicus side incision. or abdominal-thoracic incision, if necessary, which may prevent the resid-ual tumor cells at the upper or inferior margins after gastric carcinoma resection.