The results of chemotherapy with CHOP regimen in 38 recurrent patients of NHL, all pathologically confirmed, were reported. 78.9% of the cases were medi-an-grade or high-grade malignant lymphoma according to Chendo meet's classifica-tions schedule NHL conducted classification (1985), 65.8% of the cases at Ⅲ, Ⅳ stage. The therapy time for the patients treated by CHOP regimen were 4~11 courses, 70% of the cases over 6 courses. All patients were treated by CHOP regi-men,8 cases also applied the other anticarcinogenic drugs, and 9 cases underwent adjuvant radiotherapy or surgient therapy to the residual disease following chemotherapy. The result for the whole group, total response rate was 71%, com-pleted remission rate 31%, and MTS 10.3M. The main side effects including gas-trointestinal toxicity, leucopenia and alopecia were not serve . The authors believe that CHOP is a safe, effective regimen for the patients with relaped case of NHL.