The effieacy of Granisetron as an anti-emetic agent in chemotherapy-induced emesis
摘要: 自1994年8月至1995年1月,将康泉用于既往化疗时用胃复安等止吐药仍出现呕吐的患者,观察30例次的止吐效果。所有病例均在化疗前30分钟一次静脉注射康泉3mg十生理盐水40ml。化疗方案根据不同病种选择,其中80%的患者使用含顺铂方案。结果控制呕吐的有效率为60.0%~90.0%,恶心有效率73.3%~96.7%。康泉的毒副反应轻微。Abstract: Between August 1994 and January 1995, All palients' emesis hadn't been pre-vented by metoclopramide and diaphenhydamine in previously chemoterapy. 80%of patients were received DDP-containing combination chemotherapy. The response rate in controlling vomiting was 60.0%-90.0%, while in controlling nausea was 73.3~96.7%. Noserious adverse effects were observed.