

Establishment and Application of Transplantable Model of Human Esophageal Squamous Cell Careinoma in Nude Mice

  • 摘要: 将人食管癌手术标本直接移植于裸小鼠,建立了人食管鳞状细胞癌裸小鼠移植瘤(Eca910709),其光镜和电镜形态与原发瘤相似。移植瘤中检测到人Alu序列,证明其来源于人体。应用Eca910709,用平阳霉素(BLMA5)对其进行治疗,按15mg/kg腹腔注射给药,经重复实验,抑瘤率为58%-70%(P<0.01),说明BLMA5对Eca910709有明显的抑瘤作用。经三个疗程治疗,Eca910709即对BLMA5产生耐药,表现在抑瘤从70%(P<0.01)递减为34%(P<0.05)和6%(P>0.05)。给药剂量增加至30mg/kg,BLMA5对已耐药的Eca910709再次显示一定的抑瘤作用(抑瘤率为44%,P<0.01)。


    Abstract: A model of the transplantation of human esophageal careinoma in nude mice (Eca9l0709) was established by the direct transplantation of a surgical specimen from a patient with esophageal squamous cell careinom a subeutaneously in the NIH nude mice. Light and electron microseopy showed that the morphology was similar to that of the original tumor. Alu sequence was present in the transplanted tumor, indicating that transplanted tumor was of human origin. Bleomycin was A5 used for the treatment of Eca910709. Eeperimental results showed that Bleomycin A5 exhibited a remarkable growth inhibition on the Eca910709. The inhibition rates of separate experiments were 58% and 70%(P<0.01). The Eca910709 exhibited resistance to Bleomycin A5: afrer three courses of treatments. The inhibition rates were significantly decreased from 70%(P<0.01) to 34%(P0.05). Inereasing the dose of Bleomycin A5. It has exhibited that Bleomycin A5 can inhibit tumor in resistant the Eca910709 to a certain drgree. The inhibition rate was 44%(P<0.01).


