

The diagnosis value of the determination of serum AIPha-1-antitrypsin of lung and varied digestive cancers

  • 摘要: 作者对测定血清α1-抗胰蛋白酶(α1-AT)常用的胰酶活性抑制法和免疫电泳法进行了比较,并用两法同时测定了肺癌及非癌性肺疾病和肝癌、胰腺癌等五种消化系统恶性肿瘤患者血清α-AT含量。结果显示,肺癌及非癌性疾病组血清α-AT水平均显著高于正常对照组(P<0.001),肺癌组明显高于非癌性肺病组(P<0.05);测定各消化系统肿瘤组血清α1-AT含量均明显比对照组升高(P<0.001)。结果表明恶性肿瘤发生时,α1-AT作为急性相反应物可非特异性上升,高于非癌性疾病,对恶性肿瘤的诊断及鉴别有一定临床价值。两种测定方法相比免疫电泳法为较好的临床血清α1-AT测定法。


    Abstract: In this experiment we compare two test emthods to determine the serum alpha-1-antitrypsin(α1-AT) level, the enzymatic and immunoelectrophoresis methods. With the both methods we measure the α1-AT concentration in the serum of neo-plastic and non-neoplastic lung diseases and varied digestive cancers including hepat-ic, panereatic, esophageal cancers. The results from both test methods give identi-cal finding, which indicate that the serum α1-AT level of lung cancer is significantly higher than that of normal control(P<0.001) and it is also higher than that of non-neoplastic lung diseases according to only immunologiecal method(P<0.05). The serum α1-AT level of all determined five sorts of digestive cancers are higher than that of normal control nonspecificly(P<0.001). The results show that, as a sort of acut phase reactants, serum α1-AT level may elevate in varied cancers non-specificly, and may be higher than that of non-neoplastic disease so it may have clin-ical meaning for diagnosis or screen of these cancers. Comparing the both test meth-ods of serum α1-AT we think the immunoelectrophoresis method may be better se-lection for clinical usage.


