

Identifying precancerous lesions and risk factors of esophageal cancer by balloon cytology

  • 摘要: 1995年7月-1995年10月在泰国南部食管癌高发区宋卡省进行的食管拉网细胞学检查是将我国的拉网细胞学诊断方法第一次用于国外。泰南559例受检者细胞学结果显示与中国食管癌高发区林县相同的三大特点:1.高的不正常细胞发生率;2.高的过度角化细胞出现率;3.大量的霉菌和炎性细胞。再一次证明在癌的高发区存在高比率的癌前病变;并提示存在的可能的危险因素:霉菌感染和维生素缺乏。同时,拉网细胞学结合对受检者审查发现吸烟、饮酒、嚼烟草也是与食管上皮改变有关的因素。


    Abstract: Esophageal balloon eytology sereening was performed in 1995, in Songkhla where has the highest rate of esophageal cancer in Thailand, to identify precancer-our lesions and risk faetors of esophageal cancer.This was the first to make diagno-of balloon eytology by chinese eytologic criteria abroad.The results of the 559 subjects show the same three features in the smears as that in chinese high incidence area Linxian:high incidence of abnormal cells; high frequeney of hyperkeratosis and lots of fungi and inflammatory cells. It is demonstrated again that in regions where the rate of cancer is high, the incidence of dysplasia is also high; and sug-gested the presence of fungal contamination and vitamin deficieney. Additionally, smoking, alcohol drinking, betel chewing, tobacco chewing were also found to be related to higher risk of having abnormal cells by cytology sereening together with interviewing.


