

A value comparison between CT and MRI in displaying carcinoma of nasopharyns which invading skull

  • 摘要: 目的 :比较鼻咽癌侵犯颅底时CT与MRI在显示侵犯程度上的差异. 结果 :30例鼻咽癌中CT显示骨质破坏12例.MRI显示骨质破坏15例.CT显示海绵窦侵犯2例.MRI显示海绵窦侵犯5例. 结论 :CT与MRI检查显示颅底侵犯情况效果基本相仿.如果肿瘤侵润骨组织尚未发生骨皮质破坏时,MRI优于CT.MRI在显示病变与颅底、海绵窦、脑、脑膜的关系方面优于CT.


    Abstract: Purpose :To investigate the difference of CT and MRI in displaying carcinoma of nasopharynx which invading the base of skull. Results :12 cases of nasdpharynx out of 30 cases were displayed by CT.with a disruption of bo skull bone、while 15 out of 30 were displayed by MRI、2 cases with cavernous sinus invaded were displayed by CT,while 5 cases were displayed by MRI. Conclusions :CT and MRI have a sin-wilar effect in displaying violation of base of skull.but MRI is prior to CT if bone displying the relation ship between the lisease and the base of skull.cave-rnous sinus. encephalon and meninge.


