

Fortify the spleen and free the network vessels formata for treating mid-advanced hepatocellular carcinoma

  • 摘要: 应用中医药健脾通络法组成相对固定方药治疗22例中晚期肝癌(Ⅱ期1例、Ⅲ期3例、Ⅳ期18例),结果显示对改善主要症状肝痛(14/18,77.8%),腹胀(13/17,76.5%),精神差(11/15,73.3%),乏力(9/14,64.3%),厌油(6/8,75%)及增加食量(7/15,46.7%)效果较好,对稳定肿瘤病灶(12/18,66.7%)、减轻腹水及维护肝功能也有较好效果.


    Abstract: Chinese traditional medicines using fortify the spleen and free the network vessels foumata for treating mid-advanced hepatocellular carcino-ma was performed in 22 patients,including I case in stage Ⅱ,3 cases in stage Ⅲ and 18 cases in stage Ⅳ.The studies revealed that the main clinical symptoms of patients was decreased remarkly.The remission rates of abdominal pain,abdominal distension and weaken were 77.8%(14/18), 76.5%(13/17)and 64.3%(9/14) reapectively.Meanwhile,the foumata was helpful to reduce ascites and maintaine live functions.Inclusion,the auth-ors suggested that this method could improve the therapeutic efficiency for the hepatic carcinoma.


