

Clinical analysis and treatment of diarrhoea after redical resection of esophage-cardiac canaer

  • 摘要: 目的 :观察研究食管贲门癌术后腹泻的临床药物治疗效果, 方法 :丙谷胺片每次0.4,每日3次口服.复方苯乙哌啶片每次2片每日3次口服. 结果 本组68例,1天治愈38例,2天治念20例,3天治愈8例,4天治念2例. 结论 :丙谷胺可能是通过抗胃泌素作用,复方苯乙哌啶片是通过提高肠张力,减少小肠推进性运动,从而使食管贲门癌术后腹泻得以治念.


    Abstract: Objective To study the effect of medicine on these patients of diarrhoea after radical resection of esophage-cardiac cancer. Methods Proglumide was given orally 0.4 every once,thrice a day.Diarsed was given 2 tablet every once,Thrice a day. Results There were 68 cases in this group,38 of them were cured in a day,20 cases in two days,8 cases in three days,2 cases in four days. Conclusions Progl-umide may be cured diarrhoea by the effect of antigastrin.diarsgd cured diarrhoea by increasing smooth muscular tension and inhibiting intes-tional peristalsis.


