The advanced esophageal cancer with digestive tract obstrction was treated by Endoscopy
摘要: 晚期梗阻性食道癌患者23例,其中7例为晚期转移不能手术者,16例手术后复发,放疗后又复发者.22例均首先采用扩张术,7例不能手术者中2例患食道支气管瘘,其中1例放支架后采用放疗,另1例放支架后采用化疗,其余5例无食道支气管瘘者-律放支架解除梗阻后进行放疗,16例多次治疗复发者,除扩张外,分别采用微波、局部化疗及合并症出血治疗,止血成功率达67%以上,扩张后消化道梗阻解除率达100%.内镜局部化疗肿瘤缓解率90%以上达PR.Abstract: 23 cases advanced esophageal cancer patients with esophageal obstruction,among them,7 cases with metastasis could not be operated,16 cases were recurred after operation and radiotherapy.22 cases was dilated at first,one of 2 cases with treachoesophageal fistula was taken radioth-erapy,the other was taken chemotherapy with csophageal stent,in the 7 cases who could not be operated,5 cases without fistula were taken rad-iotherapy after gigestive obstruction was relieved by putting in esophageal stent.16 recurred cases were dilated and taken microwave,local chemotherapy as well as homeostasis therapy.The successful rate of homeostasis was above 67%,the digestive obstruction was about 100% after dilation,the esophageal cancer was relieved about 90% PR by Endoscopic local chemotherappy.