No-thoracotomy visual resection of upper esophageal carcinoma:report of 38 cases
摘要: 本文报告非开胸直视下切除上段食管癌38例.男性27例,女性11例.年龄36~79岁.肿瘤长度l.0~7.ocm.肿瘤下缘均在主动脉弓上缘以上.手术并发症发生10.5%,无手术死亡.手术采用颈部扩大切口或纵劈上部胸骨入路直视下游离肿瘤,正常中下段食管内翻剥脱,食管胃或咽胃颈部吻合.此种手术避免了开胸、创伤小、操作简单且效果好,值得推广运用.Abstract: The results of 38 cases with carcinoma of the upper esophageal visual resected without thoracotomy are reported.The patients consisted of 27 males and 11 females.The ages were between 36 to 79 years.The tumors were 1.0 to 7.0cm in length.The lower line of tumors were above the con-vexity of the aortic arch.The operative morbidity rate was 10.5% and no death occurred.The Operation have used cervical incision extending or the addition of a partial upper stenal split facilitates dissection of the tumors under direct vision the middle and lowthorcic normal esoph-ageal was subjected to esophagectomy and esophasosastrostomy or pharyngogastrostomy in the neck.The advantages of this procedure are obvious; a thoracotomy is avoided,thus minimizing the physiologic insult of the operation;its simplicity and satisfactory results,and its wide applic-ation seems justified.