

Clinicopathological study of soft tissue osteosarcoma

  • 摘要: 软组织骨肉瘤是-种少见的恶性肿瘤,本文对其临床病理特征及生物学行为进行了研究.21例病人发病年龄为50-60岁的中老年人,平均49.5岁,女多于男(男:女=1:2) 主要发生于乳腺和胸壁(48%),组织学分为骨母细胞型和软骨母细胞型.术后半年内局部复发52%,远处转移43%,体积大的肿物预后差.


    Abstract: Soft tissue osteosarcoma are extremely malignant neoplasms.Few large series have been reported.Theis study was performed with a relatively large mumber of patients to better understand the biologic behaviornd clinicopathologic correlations.The study group cosisted of 21 patients. Most of whom Presemted in the fifth and sixth decades of life(mean age,49.5 yeaxs).There was a female predominace(male to female ratio,1:2). The mammae and chest most commonly were involved(48%),Histologically,all were high grade ostoosarcoma,Multiple local recurrences(52%)are a featare of this tumor.All recurrences occurred with 6 month.Distant metastasis(43%)is also common and is usually to the lungs(67%),A larger sized inital lesion did eguate with worse result.


