

A study on FNAC's stereological quantity and cell morphological typing

  • 摘要: 本文采用国内先进的MPIAS-500多媒体图像分析仪对50例乳腺癌的针吸细胞形态进行了多参数的体视学定量研究.并以细胞面积、核浆比值两项定量参数为分型标准、对50例乳腺癌进行了分型研究,共分四型、对各型之间细胞形态的体视学定量结果进行了对比分析,同时结合病理组织学分类进行对照分析.本文的研究结果建立了乳腺癌细胞形态体视学的量化指标及探讨了乳腺癌针吸细胞形态学的分型标准和方法,对鉴别诊断乳腺癌和判断乳腺癌的恶性程度以及指导临床观察乳腺癌的生物学特性、疗效及预后有重要意义.


    Abstract: Bymultimedia pathological image word analysis system(MPIAS-500),FANC's cell form of mammay carcinoma(n=50 cases)were quanhtitative stereolog-ical studied of multi-parameters.Two parameters of cell area and N-C ratio are chosen as the standard of typing,50 cases of manammary carcin-oma were divided into four types.The stemelogical quantitative results were comparative analysed in each of type.The cell stereological typi-ng was compared with pathological tissue type.The result of study constructed the cell stereological quantitative standard of mammary carcin-oma and seek mammary carcinoma FANC's typing standard and mothod, moreover.It's very important for differentiation diagnosis mammary carcino-ma and degree of malignant,it may be a useful indicator for biological charater and the effect of treament and Prognostic.


