Bymultimedia pathological image word analysis system(MPIAS-500),FANC's cell form of mammay carcinoma(n=50 cases)were quanhtitative stereolog-ical studied of multi-parameters.Two parameters of cell area and N-C ratio are chosen as the standard of typing,50 cases of manammary carcin-oma were divided into four types.The stemelogical quantitative results were comparative analysed in each of type.The cell stereological typi-ng was compared with pathological tissue type.The result of study constructed the cell stereological quantitative standard of mammary carcin-oma and seek mammary carcinoma FANC's typing standard and mothod, moreover.It's very important for differentiation diagnosis mammary carcino-ma and degree of malignant,it may be a useful indicator for biological charater and the effect of treament and Prognostic.