

The Factors of Radiotherapy and Prognosis of 64 cases of Nasopharyngea Cancer with Bilateral Parapharyngeal Space involved

  • 摘要: 目的:回顾64例双侧咽旁间隙侵犯的鼻咽癌病人的放射治疗,对影响预后的因素进行分析。方法:64例双侧咽旁间隙侵犯的鼻咽癌全部病例经病理和CT证实。面颈联合野治疗28例,非面颈联合野治疗36例,原发灶DT60—70Gy/6—7周。结果:全组3、5年生存率分别为64.1%及36.7%,面颈联合野与非面颈联合野治疗3年生存率无明显差别(P>0.05),5年生存率有显著差别(P<0.01)。结论:双侧咽旁间隙侵犯的鼻咽癌面颈联合野治疗远期效果良好,治疗后CT检查咽旁间隙病变消失与否对判断运期疗效有一定的意义。


    Abstract: Puspose: To analysis the effect of radiotherapy in NPC with bilateral parcepharyngeal space involve and related factors of prognosis. Results : The totle 3 5-year survival rate were 64.1% and 36.7%.The 3-year survival rate is of no difference betweenthe combined group and non-combibned one (P0.05) and the 5-year survival ratewas relatively higher in cimbined face-neck field group (P0.01). Conclusion : In patients with NPC of bilateral paraphanyngeal space involve the forward effect in combinedface-neck field group is better than that in the non-combined group.The post radiotherapy CT scan is useful to know if it disapperal of the tumor in paraphargrgeal spaceand the forward effect of the radiotherapy.


