

Clinical Observation of External Radiotherapy Combined with Intra-cavity Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

  • 摘要: 本资料观察分析了本院1997年正月至12月收治的31例鼻咽癌采用体外加腔内高剂量率近距离放疗。与97年以前30例鼻咽癌肿瘤消失慢或足量未控而单纯体外加量的病例进行临床比较,体外加腔内高剂量率近距离放疗,肿瘤消退较单纯体外常规放疗快,鼻咽腔粘膜反应二组差异不大,而口腔粘膜反应前组较后组轻。


    Abstract: 31 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated by external radiutherapy plus intra-cavity adjacent distance high dose rate radiotherapy from 1, 1997 to 12, 1997 in our hospital are reported,and compared with 30 nasopharyngeal carcinoma before 1997,because ofslowly disappeared tumors or being uncontrolled at in creased dose, these 30 patients weretreated by external radiotherapy alone at increased dose for the disappearance of tumors,the former group is fast.There is no significant differece for the reaction on nasopharynxcavity mucosa between two groups, but for the reaction on oral nucosa, the former groupwas lighter.


