Surgical treatment of multiple Brain matastatic
摘要: 目的:探讨多发性脑转移瘤的手术适应症和治疗方法,手术治疗对生存期、生存质量的影响。方法:对41例多发性脑转移瘤进行手术切除、减压+放疗+化疗的综合治疗,共切除转移灶58个。结果:完全缓解6例(14.6%),部分缓解19例(46.4%),无变化6例(14.6%),进展5例(12.2%)手术及并发症死亡5例(12.2%)。术后一年生存率43.9%,二年生存率14.6%。结论:多发性脑转移瘤有较高的发生率,对经检查原发肿瘤能治愈或原发肿瘤较小,预测能生存较长时间的患者,除放射治疗和化学治疗缓解临床症状外,进行以手术切除肿瘤、减压为主的综合治疗,是延长生存期,改善生存质量的关键。Abstract: To study the operation indication and principle of treufment in multipleBrain matestatic, to explore the recationship between surgery and survival time, viabilityof Brain matastatic.Mothods: 41 patients were treated by surgery + radiotherapy +chemotherapy.58 focus of Brain matastatic were excised. Results : Complete comvalescence was in 6 patients (14.6%), panical remissin was in 19 patients (46.4%), nochangewas in 6 patients (14.6%),advance was in 5 patients (12.2%) and 5patients (12.2%) diedbecause of surgery of complication. Conclusion : It suggested that complex treatmentmainly by means of decompression can improve viability and prolong survival time.Thatmultiple Brain matastatic coexist a Brain olbe, 1 or 2 focus induce main climical symptoms and focus of posterior cramal fossa compress Brain stem can lead to an excellent result bysurgical intervention.