To find the significance of oncogenes in the development of prostate cancer.Meth-ods: The expression of bcl-2,P
53and c-erb-B
2 in prostate cancer tissue of 50 cases wereobserved by immunohistochemical SP method. Results : (1) The expression of bcl-2,P
53and c-erb-B
2, was 42% 48% and 44% respectively.Expression of bcl-2,P
53and c-erb-B
2were closely related to the tumor grade and clinical stage; bcl-2 inversly related to P
P<0.05).(2) Expression of one or more oncogenes were 66% and 26% inmultiple oncogenes.Expression of multiple oncogeres were closely related to the tumorgrade and clinical stage. Conclusion s: These results showed that: (1) bcl-2, P
53and cerb-B
2 are involved in tumorgenesis and development of prostate cancer.(2)The detection of multiple oncogenes is more valuable than that of single one.