

Experimental study of Gujin Mojipian (固金磨积片) for WBC in Mice with Tumor After Chemotherapy

  • 摘要: 运用清热解毒,消炎散结,活血化瘀,扶正固本的固金磨积片,观察其对化疗所致白细胞减少的防治作用及其毒副反应。结果表明,固金磨积片可以明显减轻化疗过程中白细胞下降的程度,促进白细胞恢复正常水平,提示固金磨积片对化疗荷瘤小鼠骨髓造血功能有促进和保护作用。


    Abstract: For the patients with tumor, the commen toxic-side reaction after chemotherapy isarrest of bone marrow, and leukopenia is the most popular one.In this paper,the prophylactico-therapeutic effects of Gujin Mojipian for this reaction in the mice with tumorafter chemotherapy were observed.The results show that Gujin Mojipian can cut downthe degree of the decline of the number of WBC, shorten its sustained time and promoteits recovery.These indicated that Gujin Mojipian not only has an effect of protecting thehematopoietic function of bone marrow, butalso has an effect of promoting it.


