Arterial and Portal Vein Chemoembal ization
摘要: 18例原发性肝癌病人采用肝动脉门静脉置入化疗泵,术后经药系反复化疗栓塞治疗。药物包括霉素(ADM)、丝裂霉素(MMC)和卡铂(CBP),超乳化碘化油。每次相隔4~6周。结果一年内死亡4例,成活已超过一年的14例。作者认为经肝动脉门静脉化疗栓塞是治疗不可切除肝癌的有效方法。Abstract: Eighteen patients with advanced liver cancer treated by embedding drug pumpthrough heapatic artery and portal vein synchron is tically once 4~6weeks. The drug included adriamyc in (ADM), mitomycin(MMC), CarbopLatin(CBP) and Lipodo 1.4 Patients died with in one year and 14 patients surlined more than oneyear. These resultsindicated that he patic arterial and portal vein chemoembol ization could be consideredasan therapy in the manageent of the advanced liver cancer.