

Prognosis Analysis In Old Breast Cancer

  • 摘要: 自1972年~1990年,我院共收治乳腺病人1959例,其中,老年女性原发性乳腺癌117例,占同期收治病人的6.1%,非老年对照组病人595例,用Kaplan—Meier估计和log—rank检验及Breslow检验对四个有显著影响的预后因素进行单因素分析和调整分析,结果表明,老年乳腺癌死亡率显著高于非老年组病例。


    Abstract: The objective of this study was to analgze the factors and it's results in breast cancer of olderly compared with non-olderly. We revieved 117 patients over 70 years oldWith breast cancer treated between 1972. 1~1990. 8, Mean follow-up time was 77months, follow-up ratio 96.4 %. Non-olderoy group 595 cases aged 16~69 years oldwith breast cancer treated between 1974. 1~1981. 8 Mean follow-up time was 70months,follow-up ratio 96.4%. All patients was received surgical rteatment in our institution. We concluded that oldergroup over all 5-year survival rates were 63.48%.Non-elderly group 5-year survival rates was 70.40%. Two group compare to havepositive satistical difference (P0.05). The retrospective review appears that age factoris one of the most important factors that afluent survival rates. These results underscorethe need early diagnosis and treatment of these patients.


