

Radiotherapy of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma(NHL) of the nasal cavity

  • 摘要: 目的:分析鼻腔非何杰金淋巴瘤(NHL)治疗方法和疗效。 方法:1975年6月~1993年3月收治30例鼻腔NHL。 单纯放疗16例, 综合治疗(放疗+化疗)14例。 照射剂量:<45Gy15例, ≥45Gy15例。 结果:全组5年生存率为70.8%(17/24)。 病变局F民于鼻腔和超出鼻腔组的5年生存率分别为85.7%和50.0%。 单纯放疗组和放疗+化疗组的5年生存率分别为57.1%和90.0%。 照射剂量<45Gy和≥45Gy的5年生存率分别为64.3%和80.0%。 建议:病变局限于鼻腔者不必做颈部预防性照射。 对病变超出鼻腔或有区域淋巴结受侵者, 应采用放疗与化疗综合治疗。


    Abstract: Purpose: This paper analysis retrospectively 30 patients with NHL of nasal cavityfrom Jun. 1975 to Mar. 1993. Materials and Metods: 16 patients were treated by radiotherapy alone, and 14 by combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy. The radiation doses of 15 patients were less than 45Gy, and the other 15 patients' were morethan 45 Gy. Results: The overall 5-year survival rate was 70.8% (lesions confined tothe nasal cavity 85.7% and lesions extending beyond the casal cavity 50.0%). 5-year survival rate for the patients treated by radiotherapy alone was 57.1%, by combined-therapy 90.0%. However the 5-year survival rate for the patients recievedthe radiation doses less than 45 Gy was 64.3%, the radiation dose more than 45 Gy 80 %. Conclusion: The results show, the lymph nodes of neck for the patients with lesions confined to the nasal cavity needn't be irradiated, the patients with lesions extending beyond the nasal cavity or involving regional lymph nodes had better be treatedby combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy.


