From June 1991 to November 1996, a total of 23 patients with primary tracheal tumors were treated by surgical procedure, of them, 2 Cases were benign tumors, 21 Caseswere malignancies, inwhich 11 cases were treated by segmental resections of trachea, nuderwent local resection of the tracheal wall and tumor in 6 cases, and tumor apoxesis aswell as electrocautery on the basis in 6 cases. The results were excellent without trachealfistula and without operative death, the postoperative l,3 and 5 year cumulative suviralrate were 86%, 53% and 21% respectively. The authors comsder that segmental resection, local resection and tumor apexests can yet be regarded as a affective way of surgicaltreatment for primary tracheal tumor.