Study On The Effects Of Cathepsin B In 55 Gastric Carcinoma Samples
摘要: 组织蛋白酶B(CB)为一溶酶体酶, 能降解许多细胞外基质成分。 其与许多人类及啮齿类肿瘤的生长浸润有关。 本文采用免疫组化技术使用特异的免抗人肝CB抗体来研究人胃癌组织中的CB表达情况。 结果显示:与正常胃组织相比,胃癌组织中CB的表达明显增高, 且肿瘤细胞中CB表达增加与浸润深度、生长类型及淋巴结有无转移有关, 而与组织学类型无关, 统计学上有显著性差异(P<0.05)。 提示CB在胃癌组织中的表达与肿瘤的生长浸润有关, CB在肿瘤的浸润过程中起一定的作用。Abstract: Cathepsin B is a lysosomal cysteine proteinase that has the ability tO degrade severalextracellular matrix component and has been implicated in the progression of several human and rodent tumors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression ofCathepsin B in human gastric carcionma tissue. We have studied the expression ofCathepsin B in 55 surgical resection samples of gastric carcinoma by using monospecificpolyclonal rabbit antibody raised against human liver CB for immunohistichemistry. Theresults are shown over expression of Cathepsin B in gastric carcionoma when comparedwith normal gastric tissue. The increased staining of CB in malignant cells was associatedwith the depth of the invasiveness and the growth pattern as well as the metastasis of thelymph nodes, but not with the histological classification. Statistical differences are significant (P<0.05 ). Inconclusion,our results indicate that the expression of CB in gastriccarcinoma correlates with tumor progression, and contributes to the development of theinvasive phenotype.