We have analyzed a group of 314 patients with differentiated thyroid cancer who were undergone cerviai dissection between 1981 to 1990. Of the 314 patients, 136 had performed therapeutic cervical dissection and 178 performed selective dissection (both primary tumors had invaded intrathyroid and extrathyroid). In the group of seiective neck dissection, the rate of regional nodes metastases was 68%(121/178). Of the patients, only 4 were found to have metastatically involved parotracheal regions, but juguiar regions without invoved; 98 cases to have metastasized jugular regions but parotracheal without involved. Obout 91 8% (90/98) of patients, the metastatic regional nodes were found in superior or mid jugular regions. The resuits showed that regional extensive resection could not remove the metastatic tumors spred these area.