Objective: To analysize retrospectively the characteristics of the teenagers with NPC. Methods: 102 teenagers with NPC received external irradiation, among them, 6 cases with N
3 diseases was treaed with chemotherapy simutaneously. The tumor dose of primary site was 38Gy-82Gy with an average dose of 66Gy. The number of patients with stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ was 86 which instituted 85% of the whole groupe. Reaults: After a minimum follow-up of 5 years, the overall 5 years survival rate was 58.6%. Administration of RT +CT to 6 cases with N
3 disease survived 3 cases. The main cause of deaths was remote metastases. Sterility and secondary amenorrhea was found in this group. Conclusion: (1) Applications of chemotherpy may improve the suvives of patients with N3 disease. (2) The protection of hypophysis of the youngs against irradiation should be emphasized.