

Serum Copper, Ferritin Levels in Patients with Lung Cancer

  • 摘要: 目的: 探讨癌症病人血清铜和血清铁蛋白之间的相互关系, 方法: 分别用原子吸收分光度计火焰法和放射免疫分析法测定了27例肺癌和45名正常人的血清铜和血清铁蛋白水平并作统计学分析。结果: 肺癌组的血清铜水平和铁蛋白水平均比对照组增加而且均有非常显著意义(P<0.01)。相关关系分析结果显示:人体血清铜与血清铁蛋白两者相互有高度的正相关关系(P<0.005)。鉴于血清铜绝大部分是以本质为亚铁氧化酶的铜蓝蛋白形式存在, 能促进铁的吸收, 而铁蛋白是机体对铁起贮存作用的蛋白质, 结论: 肺癌患者血清铁蛋白水平异常升高是铜蓝蛋白水平增高所致。


    Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the relation between serum copper and serum ferritin in cancer patients. Methods: The levels of serum copper, ferritin in 27 patients with lung cancer and 45 normal subjects were determined. Results: The results showed that the levels of serum copper of lung cancer patients were higher than the healthy controls (P <0.01). The levels of serum ferritin of lung cancer patients were higher than the healthy controls too (P<0.01). Using correlativity analysis, the highly positive correlation was found between serum copper and serum ferritin (P<0.005). Conclusion: The results suggest that higher serum ferritin levels in the lung cancer patients may be due to higher levels of ceruloplasmin.


