Objective To clone and identify the differentially expressed genes which are related to Hazak′sesophageal cancer. Methods (1) Using suppression subt ractive hybridization ( SSH) to const ruct a subt ractive library containing differentially expressed genes′f ragment s ; (2) Cloning and identifying these special genes ; (3) Homology analysis of cDNA f ragment s f rom SSH by Blastn through Genbank. Results The differentially expressed gene cDNA library for Hazak′s Esophageal cancer was successfully const ructed . Through Blastn analysis, sequences of 6 positive clones showed that they were homologous with the genes related t ransmembrane helix receptor, breast cancer putative t ranscription factor, spliced protein gene, chromosome 8, clone RP11-27N21, clone RP11-301 G21 on chromosome 1 published in GenBank. Conclusion The differentially expressed gene cDNA library from Hazak′s esophageal cancer was successfully const ructed and it would lay the foundation for further screening full2length genes in Hazak′s esophageal cancer.