Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Brain Matastatic
摘要: 目的 探讨手术后原位复发脑转移瘤再次手术的可能性及对生存质量的影响。方法 对 7例脑转移瘤术后原位复发患者进行了再次手术和随访。结果 7例患者术后颅内压均明显下降, 6例好转出院, 1例并发症死亡。随访 6例存活时间均超过半年, 2例存活时间超过一年。结论 脑转移瘤术后复发并不是绝对的手术禁忌症, 对于肿瘤位置表浅, 无颅内及全身多发转移灶, 全身状况良好者仍可通过手术达到延长生存期, 改善生存质量的目的。Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of after second operation of recurrent Brain matastatic. Methods The intracranial pressure of 7 patients decreased repectively in after surgery. Results Complete comvalescence was in 6 patients,and 1 patient died because of complication,6 patients was no recurrence of tumors during the follow-up period of 6 months,2 patients no recurrence in one year. Conclusion The findings suggest that recurrent Brain matastatic of surgery operation indicution by second operation can improv...