直肠癌保留肛门诸手术局部复发原因探讨及预防对策———附39 例分析
Discussion on The Cause and Provention of Local Relapsesin Retention Anus Operation for Rectal Carcinoma( 39 cases analysis)
摘要: 目的 探讨保肛术后, 可能导致复发的各种因素。方法 通过复发病例的分析, 寻找出复发的主要因素。结果 除因癌细胞脱落造成种植等因素外, 最主要原因是切缘与癌下缘距离过近。结论 保肛手术应避免癌细胞脱落、种植而造成的复发 ;直肠癌保肛手术要针对具体病例进行 ;下切缘厘米数应视不同情况决定.Abstract: ObjecfiveThrough the analysis of the caces of postoperative relapse there is looking for varions probable cause of relapse factors.Method To look the most possible cause of recurrence througn the analysis of the factors of postoperative recucrence.Result In addition to cancer cells scaling and implantation, the major factor of relapse was that cutting margin tol close to lower edge of cancer. Some cases even had cancer cells left in the retention anal end of the rectum. Conclusion Operation for retention of ...