Analysis of Recurrences of T1T2 Glottic Squamous Cell Carcinomas Treated by Cordectomy
摘要: 目的探讨早期声门区喉癌手术后复发对生存的影响及其相关因素分析。方法回顾152例早期声门区喉癌临床资料,分析其生存率、复发率和复发因素。结果5年总体生存率81%。原发部位复发率11.2%,复发和无复发患者5年生存率36%和86%(P<0.01)。单因素和多因素分析显示声带活动度是喉癌原发部位复发的相关因素(P<0.05)。结论早期声门区喉癌术后复发明显降低患者生存率,声带活动度是早期声门区喉癌原发部位复发的独立预测因素。Abstract: Objective To determine the effect and factors be relative to recurrence of the primary lesion site of early glottic carcinoma. Methods A retrospective study of 152 T1T2 glottic carcinomas treated by cruelly cordectomy. By compared 5-year survival rates between recurrence and recurrence-free patients and analysis the factors relative to recurrences. Results The 5-year recurrence rate of primary lesion was 11.2%, 5-year survival rate of 86% and 36% for recurrence and recurrence-free patients respectively(P<...