

PEI Delivered PKC-α ASODN Enhancing Chemotherapeutic Sensitivities on SMMC-7721 Cell Line

  • 摘要: 目的探讨蛋白激酶C(protein kinase c)反义核酸(antisense oligonucleotides,ASODN)联合5-Fu、HCPT、As2O3三种化疗药物对肝癌SMMC-7721的体外高效抑制作用。方法以聚乙烯亚胺(poly-ethylenei mine,PEI)作载体转染PKC-αASODN,用WST-8法检测单纯使用5-Fu、As2O3、HCPT三种化疗药物以及其联合PEI-ASODN对SMMC-7721细胞的增殖抑制作用,并分别计算抑制率和IC50。结果5-Fu、As2O3、HCPT与PEI-ASODN物联合使用后,其IC50分别降低到3.9μg/ml、2.67μmol/L、1.46μg/ml,化疗药物的敏感性分别提高到单用化疗药物的2.86、1.84和4.01倍。结论PEI介导的PKC-αASODN与化疗药物5-Fu、As2O3、HCPT联合使用,可提高肝癌细胞对化疗药物的敏感性,通过与化疗药物的相加或协同作用,减少化疗药物的用量。


    Abstract: Objective  To investigate if the PKC2α ASODN delivered by polyethyleneimine ( PEI) can en2 hance the drug2sensitivities of 52fuorouracil (52Fu), arsenic t rioxide (As2O3 ) and ( HCPT) on human hep2 atocellular carcinoma SMMC27721 Cell line. Methods  SMMC27721 cell incubated with different concen2 t ration of 52Fu, As2O3 and HCPT alone or combing with ASODN or PEI2ASODN, the inhibitory rate of cell proliferation was tested by using a cell counting kit (WST28 method) and IC50 was calculated. Results Three chemotherapeutic drugs combined with PEI2ASODN (0. 25μmol/ L) reduced their IC50 to 3. 9μg/ml 、2. 67μmol/ L 、1. 46μg/ ml respectively, and their chemotherapeutic sensitivities was enhanced 2. 86, 1. 84 and 4. 01 times compared with the pure chemotherapeutic drug group. Conclusion  PEI2ASODN can enhance the chemotherapeutic sensitivity on SMMC27721 cell line, and HCPT get s the best combined effect of all.


